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“I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death” Philippians 3:10

It is our VISION and call, and commitment to point the church back onto the path of making disciples. It is our passion and directive to lead Christians away from our false perceptions and into His way.

We desire to see a church committed to His purpose and poured out to His ways. Then we will see revival through real prayer and devotion to His Lordship.

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105 KJV

Into Thy Word Ministries teaches people how to study the Bible in a simple, clear, and concise way, discipling pastors and missionaries, providing seminars, speaking,church consulting, discipleship tools and resources for Christian growth.

How to Feel Better

By Lane Palmer
Director of Equipping
Ever been picked on?

Dare 2 Share - Ever been picked on? Ridiculed? Scorned? Most people have to some degree. Sometimes we probably deserve it- and that helps the sting a bit…but how about when you get slammed because of the simple sadistic sin nature of other people? That’s the kind that leaves you bleeding from the inside out. How do you let go of past hurts and scars? Please keep reading for the answer…

This week is known all over the world as “Passion Week”, because during this time we remember the last days of the Lamb of God. For Jesus, it was an ever increasing experience in embarrassment, ridicule, rejection, mocking, torture, and finally murder. He withstood the worst that people could dish out, and He did it all for you. He voluntarily took on unspeakably horrible events to accomplish God’s plan and win your place in heaven.

So how are you responding to Passion Week? There are many ways to approach it in attitude and action- but the point is to not let it go to waste. I would suggest setting aside a little time each day to study what was going on in Jesus’ life, then take action by drawing a picture, writing a letter/poem, talking to a friend about it, etc. By doing so, I believe you will add honor to the sacrifice He made, and you will have a very different perspective on the sufferings of your own life. Just to make it easier for you- below is a summary of Christ’s last week with accompanying Scripture. May God bless you and change you as you walk in the steps of the Savior.

Sunday. The Triumphal Entry. Mt. 21; Mk. 11; Lk.19; Jn. 12. Jesus rides triumphantly into Jerusalem on a donkey fulfilling an ancient prophecy (Zech. 9:9). The people welcome Him with "Hosanna" and the words of Psalm 118:25-26. Jesus, at this moment is officially presenting Himself to the nation as the Messiah. This date according to the Jewish calendar was Nisan 10, the day pilgrims presented their paschal lambs for examination.

Monday. Cleansing of the Temple. Mt.21; Mk.11; Lk.19. On this day Jesus returns to Jerusalem (He spends each night in Bethany). On the way He curses the fig-tree, a highly symbolic act. He then enters the Temple and chases out the corrupt money-changers. This shows His Messianic authority ("My Father's House") and fulfills another prophecy that implies the Messiah will appear there suddenly and take possession of it. (See Mal. 3:1). They then return to Bethany. On the way home they see the withered fig-tree.

Tuesday. The Day of Controversy and Teaching in Parables. On this day Jesus personally confronts the authorities and defends His claims to be the Messiah. The occasion for their questions was His violent action the previous day. Mark's gospel gives the most detailed account-- Mk. 11:27-13:37. The day ends with Jesus pronouncing a curse on the city and announcing that the Kingdom will be taken away from the nation. See Matt. 23. On the return to Bethany the Disciples are loaded with questions. Jesus stops at the Mount of Olives overlooking the temple, and gives the Olivet Discourse. See Matt. 24,25; Lk.21:5ff. The Olivet Discourse is a detailed prophecy largely about the destruction of Jerusalem.

Wednesday. The Silent Day. After an exhausting day of controversy, Jesus more than
likely spends this day resting and visiting with His intimate friends.

Thursday. Day of Preparation and Passover. On this day (and perhaps on the previous day) preparation is made for the Passover. Judas may have also utilized this time for his betrayal. Matt. 26:1-5; 14-16; 17-19. The Passover is celebrated on Thursday evening in an upper room. Tradition has it that it was owned by Mark's parents. At the end of the Jewish feast Jesus institutes the Last Supper. The Last Supper is followed by the Upper Room Discourse. Sometime in the evening after the Passover, Jesus and His disciples leave the Upper Room and go to Gethsemane, a place near the Mt. of Olives where it was a custom for Jesus to Pray. Matt. 26:36-46. While in the Garden Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested by Roman soldiers and Temple guards. Jn.18:2-12. The Trials begin. Before dawn Jesus is tried twice before Annas and then Caiaphas. Everything about these trials is illegal.

Friday. Trials, Crucifixion, Death, and Burial. Jesus' third trial is held early in the morning before the Sanhedrin. The first three trials were before the religious authorities where He is found guilty. Jesus is then taken before Pilate (the fourth trial) where He is found innocent. He is subsequently taken to Herod who also finds Him innocent (the fifth), and then back to Pilate who again finds Him innocent (the sixth) but relents under pressure. About 9:00 AM. Jesus is crucified on a hill called "The Skull" outside the city. At noon, the sky becomes dark, either due to supernatural darkness or because of an eclipse. At 3:00 PM Jesus utters the most important words to believers "It is finished". The phrase literally means "Paid in full". The spotless Son of God became sin for us! Isa. 53:5,6. Jesus gives up His life and fulfills the typology of the Passover Lamb at exactly the time the lambs were being slaughtered in the Temple. The veil is rent in the Temple (Mk. 15:38.) Before 6:00 PM Jesus is laid in Joseph's tomb (the Sabbath begins after 6:00 PM).

Saturday. Jesus' body lies in the tomb. After 6:00 PM the Sabbath is over and His body is treated with spices. Mk. 16:1.
Sunday. Resurrection Day! Before sunrise, Jesus rises from the dead to fulfill the typology of the Firstfruits. I Cor. 15:23. Matt. 28:1-13. Through His death believers are justified; through His resurrection our resurrection is certain.

(source: www.christianinformation.org)


1) How did this study change your experience this week?

2) What is more important than giving time and respect to the Savior?

3) If these events don’t move you emotionally, what is wrong with you?

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